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Robotic arms in the future of architecture

Graduation Project 2021

This project develops a unique building façade planned by digital design according to environmental parameters. This façade is produced by additive manufacturing techniques using a robotic arm. It provides climatical efficiency, more outdoor spaces, and unique aesthetics. This façade is different for every building use, in accordance with the program’s function. The façade contains curved surfaces of varying thickness; therefore, other building techniques could not reproduce it. It is possible to create this façade by additive manufacturing with a robotic arm, as proven by models developed in this project. In the future there will be many other possibilities for creating building elements such as this one with digital design and advanced technologies. The project’s research question is: Given the use of additive manufacturing by a robotic arm, what climatic and aesthetic opportunities may be proposed for a building façade design?

Work facilitation
Arch. Eitan Kimmel
Arch. David Robins
Research Tutors
Dr. Jonathan Dortheimer
זרועות רובוטיות בעתיד האדריכלות

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