Architecture Track

Architecture Track

The Architecture Track’s primary mission is to harness architectural enterprise and research to perpetually challenge architectural and environmental thinking and advance new, experimental ideas that question the prevailing design conventions of the physical environment. The Track is committed to developing new knowledge in the fields of architecture and the built environment through architectural design’s vocabulary and traditions of workmanship alongside research methods and scientific investigation across diverse disciplines.

Architecture is fundamentally an interdisciplinary endeavor, encompassing technological, functional, cultural and cognitive aspects that complement and complete one another. Designing the built environment requires equal consideration of historical knowledge, cultural sensitivity, technological advances, functional rationalization and an inclusive vision of the environment. As such, the Architecture Track’s mission is to nurture future leaders in the field by educating new generations of architects with multidisciplinary competencies, as well as to create new, multi-contextual and multi-layered foundations of knowledge, based in a diversity of fields.

Architecture was one of the first two subjects taught at the Technion upon its inception in 1924. This long-standing tradition, alongside the historical role the study of architecture at the Technion has played in shaping Israel’s built environment, imbues the Track with a deepened sense of its obligation to honor its heritage while maintaining a clear and critical perspective, and adapting to the challenges of present and future. Above all, this tradition impels us to continue to educate graduates of all degree programs towards proactive and reality-changing endeavors, out of a deep understanding of the broad and ever-changing contexts of architectural and environmental enterprise.

The Architecture Track offers the following degree programs:

Professional Master of Architecture and Urbanism 1 (Registered Architect, M.Arch.1)

Master of Architecture and Urbanism 2 (M.Arch.2)

Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design (M.Sc.)

Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture (Ph.D.)

Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Studies (Ph.D.)

(Image: Amnon Verberne)