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Microlog – Logistic Centers in Urban Spaces

Graduation Project 2021

Over the past decade we have witnessed a dramatic shift in the time, space, and methods of consumption. E-commerce (electronic shopping) has increased as a result of “Industry 4.0”, which refers to the current (fourth) industrial revolution, while growing numbers of brick and mortar stores are fading. 


Ancient cities have evolved around commerce; markets were the center of social gatherings where people would meet, exchange ideas, and run essential errands. Nowadays, e-commerce, conducted by logistics management, allows consumers to shop anytime, anywhere, and then receive packages at their doorsteps a few days later. As more people are living in cities and consuming through e-commerce channels, this project proposes clearing city streets of e-commerce traffic and providing public spaces for electronic shopping in future cities by using architectural typology. Microlog is a typology that contains a vertical logistics center that piggybacks on an underground infrastructure and public spaces and uses.

Work facilitation
Arch. Eitan Kimmel
Arch. David Robins
Research Tutors
Dr. Jonathan Dortheimer
יונתן דורטהיימר
רים מוסטפא
Reem Mustafa
Architecture Track
מיקרולוג – מרכזים לוגיסטיים במרחבים עירוניים
מיקרולוג – מרכזים לוגיסטיים במרחבים עירוניים
מיקרולוג – מרכזים לוגיסטיים במרחבים עירוניים

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