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Teaching Environment

Graduation Project 2023

The typology of the school system, which was originally based on factory methods, has not changed significantly in the last century. Despite evolutions in the nature of the labor market and the skills that are valued by employers, the curriculum, and the way it is delivered, have not adapted to the young people of the contemporary era. Moreover, the entire education system is characterized by a physical and programmatic disconnect from society and the surrounding city.

The project offers a new educational concept based on a connection to the real world: the physical and the human. This concept entails a rethinking of the planning approach of educational spaces and aims to strengthen cooperation between students, teachers, and the various professionals who are involved in the course of study. The project integrates the education system and the city, such that the two systems grow together and depend on each other. The education style strengthens a sense of local belonging through its connection to the city, and, at the same time, the city facilitates these programmatic and physical connections, which are necessary for the development of mutual relations from a young age.

Work facilitation
Assoc. Prof. Gabriel Schwartz
Dr. Arch. Dikla Yizhar
Research Tutors
Dr. Ronen Ben Arie

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