Arch. Avishay Oz: A Method for Integrating Personal Electric Vehicles into Urban Street Section Planning

Arch. Avishay Oz: A Method for Integrating Personal Electric Vehicles into Urban Street Section Planning

This research proposes a new method to incorporate electric personal vehicles, increasingly used, into urban street planning, taking into consideration their current and future characteristics and the planners’ concept for specific environments.
The planning parameters were defined following the analysis of local and foreign street planning guides and street observations. these were used to build a matrix determining the optimal division of the various types of movement in the street. The method updates sections of the Israeli “Street Planning Guidelines – The Green Series”.
The new method was reviewed by eight engineers, landscape architects and experts, who found the method to be innovative, well-structured and user friendly; however, also that the criteria were relatively rigid and that data collection still required investing resources. Additionally, they noted the importance of including electric personal vehicles in the planning process.