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Arch. Bracha Chyutin

Visiting Professor

Architecture Track

Bracha Chyutin graduated from the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) in Haifa, Faculty of Architecture (1971). She has been a visiting professor at the Technion and at Tel Aviv University. Chyutin Architects was founded by Bracha Chyutin and Michael Chyutin in 1978 The firm specializes in architectural design of public buildings, residential buildings and interiors, and in urban planning. The firm has been responsible for the design of the master plans for several academic campuses and buildings, as well as for many culture and education complexes. Chyutin Architects has won many national open competitions for public buildings: for the Mané Katz Museum in Haifa (2000), for the Court of Justice building in Haifa (1994), for the Court of Justice building in Jerusalem (2007), and for several university and cultural buildings. In recognition of its architectural achievements, the firm has been awarded a number of major national distinctions: the Israeli Architects’ Association Award (1993), the Israeli Interior Design Association Award (2005) and the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Rechter Award (1996, 2006, 2018). The firm’s designs have been shown at numerous national and international architectural exhibitions, and have been written about in the daily press and in professional journals throughout the world. Bracha Chyutin and Michael Chyutin have published a large number of papers and studies about architecture and urban planning, and have co-authored several books, among them Architecture and Utopia – The Israeli Experiment (Ashgate Publishing, London, 2007), Architecture for Justice (Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 2006), Architecture of Ben-Gurion University 1990-2006 (Ben-Gurion University Press, Beer Sheva 2008).

Bracha Chyutin