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Hadar Ben Avraham: n-Visions – Augmented Reality and Physical Computing

Hadar Ben Avraham: n-Visions – Augmented Reality and Physical Computing

The visualization and representation in real time and place of otherwise transparent information, such as climatic conditions, can support the architectural exploration of the physical domain. In this context, physical computing-based sensors and augmented reality are two technologies connecting the physical and virtual worlds; however, the coupling of these technologies remains largely unexplored territory. What modes of interaction between physical and virtual realities are triggered by conjoining both technologies? And what design possibilities do these new modes bear?
The study—based on prototyping and anchored in research-through-design—explores the conceptual framework and design potentials of joining augmented reality as a tool for representation, sensors, and architectural visualization. A theoretical framework and conceptual platform are proposed and demonstrated, bearing implications for architectural design.

Contact information: Hadar Ben Avraham| 052-5200033 | email: