Professor Miroslaw Jan Skibniewski: Scholarly Writing Workshop – Meeting with an Editor of an International Journal

Professor Miroslaw Jan Skibniewski: Scholarly Writing Workshop – Meeting with an Editor of an International Journal

We are delighted to announce a scholarly writing workshop with Professor Miroslaw Jan Skibniewski, Editor-in-Chief of the journal: Automation in Construction: An International Research Journal. The Impact Factor of this journal is 7.700, ranking it 2 out of 136 in Civil Engineering (Please see the journal site and explore its main themes). The workshop will take place at the Faculty of Architecture, not virtually via zoom. The workshop, a joint venture with Civil Engineering, is designated for Ph.D. students, Post-docs, and junior faculty.

The workshop has two main sessions:

1. Session: 9:00-12:00: Opening; presentation by Mirek, which includes an overview of the journal publishing environment; what constitutes a quality journal paper from an editor’s perspective; discussing in detail all of the required components of a good paper; questions-and-answers.
2. Lunch break: 12:30 – 13:30: with junior faculty.
3. Afternoon session: 13:30-15:30: A hands-on, interactive session with draft papers contributed by the audience and a collective discussion on how to improve their contents to make them acceptable to peer reviewers.
4. A questions-and-answers period would follow. The drafted paper will be collected in advance and sent to Mirek.