Many congrats to Dr. Jonathan Natanian on winning the Dr. Marschall Prize 2021 awarded by the Department of Architecture at the TUM School of Engineering and Design!
The ‘Werner Konrad Marschall and Dr.-Ing Horst Karl Marschall Foundation’ – the ‘Dr. Marschall Foundation’ for short – aims to promote excellence in science and research. The foundation awards the Dr. Marschall Prize once a year for an outstanding dissertation completed at the TUM Department of Architecture.
In his Ph.D. research, which was supervised by Prof. Thomas Aure and completed with the highest distinction (summa cum laude), Dr. Natanian explored the interrelations between urban block morphology and environmental performance. Jonathan explored this interface by developing computational workflows which help close a gap in parametric modeling for sustainable urbanism. His research reflects the high level of complexity required to achieve a holistic view of the relationship between urban morphology and environmental performance and offers a new set of methods for the effective integration of environmental indicators into the design process.
These days Dr. Natanian further develops his research through the Environmental Performance and Design Lab (EPDL) he leads as an Assistant Professor at our faculty.
Link to the full article: