Space, Consciousness and Sustainability
The studio offers a platform for critical discourse on current issues in Israeli spaces, and for taking a broad look at the historical, political, social, and cultural contexts and considerations for planning. Emphasis is placed on the interrelationship between the physical characteristics of a space and social perceptions of it.
Design based on societal perceptions of spaces is viewed as an inherent aspect of our responsibility as architects. Alongside issues related to the environment, the studio is open to any field of interest and encourages students to undertake journeys of discovery into lesser-known areas, in order to examine and expand the boundaries of the discipline.
The studio is a pluralistic setting that allows each student to pursue their personal interests using their preferred tools and methods with which they identify. As a result, the studio's products are diverse in nature and reflect motivations that range from the purposeful to the poetic, from the unsophisticated to the critical, and from the concrete to the abstract.