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Dr. Omer Aloni

Visiting Lecturer

Omer Aloni is a Doctor of Law (since May 2019). Beginning in the summer of 2024, Omer has been invited as a researcher to the Technion (Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning) as the recipient of the Balaban-Glass scholarship. Omer will collaborate on his research project for the next two years (8/2024-8/2026) under the auspices of the Balaban-Glass scholarship. Omer earned his LL.M. (cum laude) and Ph.D. at the Zvi Meitar Center for Advanced Legal Studies, Tel-Aviv University Buchmann Faculty of Law. He also holds a B.A. degree (cum laude) in general history and law from Tel-Aviv University. His interdisciplinary education, both in Israel and abroad, has focused on legal studies (particularly environmental law, international law, and legal history, including 20th-century history). In recent years, he has collaborated with Prof. Liat Ayalon (Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Social Sciences) as a post-doctoral fellow (2020-21) affiliated with the EuroAgeism Research Project, sponsored by a Marie S. Curie research grant. Moreover, he has been invited to join the Law Faculty at Zefat Academic College as a research fellow and the University of Haifa and Reichman University as a postdoctoral fellow. Omer wrote his Ph.D. dissertation on the evolution of international environmental law under the supervision of Dr. David Schorr at Tel-Aviv University Buchmann Faculty of Law. After submitting his dissertation, he was invited to the University of Potsdam Law Faculty (starting October 2018) as a postdoctoral researcher. Under the auspices of the Joint Exchange Program of both universities (TAU and UP), Omer collaborated with Prof. Andreas Zimmermann (UP Law Faculty) and was sponsored by the Joint Program. Between summer 2016 and spring 2018, he was a visiting scholar at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, as he was a recipient of the Minerva Fellowship funded by the German Federal Government. In 2017, he also collaborated with The Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), sponsored by Dialogue Scholarship. The European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) chose his dissertation as the best dissertation in the field for 2018 and 2019, awarding him the Tallinn Prize. In 2021, Cambridge University Press published his work as a book titled "The League of Nations and the Protection of the Environment" in its International and Comparative Law series. In fall 20244, he was invited to the University of Oxford under the auspices of the Massada fellowship for a series of public lectures, workshops, and academic collaboration.

Omer Aloni