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About the Faculty

About the Faculty

The Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning was founded in 1924, when the Technion opened its doors for the first time. To this day, it serves as a unique framework for the professional training of architects, landscape architects, regional and urban planners, industrial designers, as well as researchers in these fields.

The faculty’s mission is to train professionals and researchers who, while possessing technological and creative skills, will also be highly aware of the values of culture, the environment and the needs of society. Therefore, the curriculum emphasizes not only design aspects, but also the environmental, sociocultural, economic, psychological and legal aspects of human intervention in the physical environment.

The Faculty in numbers

2020 figures

Academic faculty members: 42 (28 researchers, 14 practitioners)

Adjunct teachers: 251

Administrative faculty members: 26

Students (total): 858

Undergraduate students: 439

Graduate students (Master): 347

Graduate students (PhD): 72

Number of scientific publications per year: 113

Number of research grants per year: 42


The Faculty offers the following professional and research degree programs:

Professional degrees

Professional Master of Architecture and Urbanism 1 (Registered Architect, M.Arch.1)

Master of Architecture and Urbanism 2 (M.Arch.2)

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (B.L.A.)

Master of Urban and Regional Planning (M.Ur.P.)

Master of Industrial Design (M.I.D)

Research degrees

Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design (M.Sc.)

Master of Science in Landscape Architecture (M.Sc.)

Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning (M.Sc.)

Master of Science in Industrial Design (M.Sc.)

Master of Science – General program (M.Sc.)

Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture (Ph.D.)

Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Studies (Ph.D.)

Doctor of Philosophy in Landscape Architecture (Ph.D.)

Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional Planning (Ph.D.)

Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Design (Ph.D.)