13th Design Thinking Research Symposium

13th Design Thinking Research Symposium

The DTRS series takes place every 2-3 years in a different university world wide, with the aim of investigating relevant issues pertaining to design thinking research. In the current conference (3 days) we deal with the expansion of the discipline in recent years, under the paradigm of Design Thinking which has turned into a method, used also in business and management and in other domains. Following the introduction of many new actors with no design background, a certain conceptual blurring of the questions what is design and who are designers has occurred. Among the conference participants are some of the most prominent names in the field, alongside a new generation of young researchers. Technion affiliates – faculty and students alike – are invited to listen to the lectures with no registration fees.

Details, including program, at: https://dtrs13.net.technion.ac.il