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Congratulations to Dr. Guy Austern on being promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor.

Congratulations to Dr. Guy Austern on being promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor.

Dr. Guy Austern is a licensed, practicing architect and has led large-scale architectural projects in Israel, the UK, and Europe. His work has been exhibited in various galleries, the Israeli Museum, and the Venice Biennale and he has curated exhibitions about parametric design. Before assuming his current role in the Technion, Guy’s previous role was as the Chief Science Officer of BeamUP, an Israeli start-up set out to revolutionize building system design. In this role, he was responsible for inventing BeamUP’s generative workflows and developing the algorithms and ML models that run them. BeamUP has received five approved US Patents based on his work.

Now, he is the PI of the CDML (Computational Design and Machine Learning) lab, which focuses on using Deep Learning to solve architectural problems in design, analysis, and fabrication. His lab utilizes Classic, Vision, Generative and Graph-based Machine Learning models to create intelligent, responsive design tools on various scales.

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